Reflecting on the project + suggesting areas for personal and professional development

In my project proposal, I stated that my focus is to bring out inner thinking of women to dissolve to the world without any struggle. I think I achieved some of that only. I could have done more to achieve them.

For example, searching for more results for woman in general. However, because I targetted women in trouble, I studied women in trouble. Like, victim of spy cams and abortion. I could do more affection from life as a female student because I have already experienced of that. People used to mention that women have positive energy. That doesn’t mean women have been curing everything. That being said, I am satisfied with my work expressing some negative ideas from women inside since my target is ‘Everyone who are really interested in women’.

Furthermore, I had bothering outside factors as I always did. For example, my nearest people still get in touch with my business with much talk. However, I think struggle could only be a part of project generation putting outside factors aside. It is because a story plot makes itself from a struggle every chance.

Now I have created a mood with deep drawings. I am not going to stop this mood I guess. So, I will take this forward in my future practice to create promotional things, animation and sequential art. I will be using screen printing either. I really like working alone in a place. That is comforting so I do, not like I am not bringing a woman inside out.

I want to work alone but I want to keep researching for more in the world. I often lose my consistency in visual of my artwork being what I liked to represent in my art now for future is good. So I can be still, fixed in a place.

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