Inside Transformer: A Rebirth of Wonder at 180 The Strand

The exhibition happened in an underground floor of 180 The Strand. The entrance to the exhibition can be found near the car park. Introductory flip books are placed near the entrance allowing visitors a quick look inside. 180 the strand constructed in U shape form with a comparatively bigger room in the middle. There are name tags for each artist on the wall of black panel with glowing light coming though it near each artist room.

Bew (2019) notes that ‘Transformer: A Rebirth of Wonder opens today and with it, an immersive journey through the subterranea of Temple, buoyed by the works of contemporary art’s key storytellers.’

Quentin Lacombe represents infinity within a finite space. His published book, Even Horizon implies a black hole with no returning since light cannot escape. No events are no longer can be witnessed. From his artwork I realised he might want to express 4th dimension theory through his art piece. His room is limited but it is not in 4th dimension all including extraordinary aliens he represents by the wall from his book. Since the creatures are abstract, fractured and disrupted by laser beams, they show light and 4th dimension would open the future. His photographs depict extraordinary world using mutations created from normal animals and natural organisms exist with equal rights and importance. Therefore, they represent clues for saving society and protection for the environment. On the other hand, Lawrence Lek tries to create an in- between space of his virtual space. He conflates fiction of his films and the fabric of real environment to create a space with a soundtrack of his music. I think the frame he produced is fabulous which triggers flashbacks to the audiences’ eyes of imageries between time, space and location using video- game engines. I can feel present from his work and the future because his hybrid world is continued forever.

I thought art is limited in photo shoots, a camera angle and in a sketchbook. By seeing work in exhibition, I notice that the gallery informs future exist in infinite space where might seem like it is finite within a shallow looking. However, from a distance of different viewpoint, a photo frame has opportunity to be distributed as infinite in a form of photo montage. For example, photographs of Manuel Harlan London street shoots. I could look for David Hockney’s work if I ever wanted more because he is a qualified artist of using photo montage. A sketchbook will no longer limited with a dense thoughts are available according to the work of Quentin Lacombe. Into the visualisation process, I would apply photo montage into panorama looking for actual background for my storyboard.

Bew, S (ed.). (2019) TRANSFORMER: A Rebirth of Wonder. Exhibition held at 180 The Strand, London 2nd October-8th December 2019 [Exhibition catalogue].


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